Top Weight Loss Friendly Fruits: Best Fruits for Weight Loss

If you are moving towards losing weight, and you are more interested in natural foods, then this article can be very useful for you.

In this article, we will discuss the topic of the Best Fruits for Weight Loss as a whole. With the help of this, you can reduce your weight effectively.

Fruits contain an abundant amount of fibre and are also low in calories, both of which are very important in weight loss.  Along with this, there are many fruits which help you in weight loss by increasing your feeling of satiety.

The fruits given in this article Best Fruits for Weight Loss are beneficial not only for weight loss but also for your overall health.  Fruits are an excellent option for a complete and healthy diet, they are rich in nutrients like vitamins, fibre, minerals etc.

Along with reducing your weight, it also brings positive changes in your lifestyle.  Which is very good for your health.  Although it will reduce your weight a little slowly, it is a great way to lose weight in the long term.

Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Fruits for Weight Loss

Here we are listing some such fruits which can help you in your weight loss. These fruits will not only help you in weight loss but will also help you improve your overall health by providing you with better nutrition. By following this list of Best Fruits for Weight Loss, you will see positive changes in yourself and will be able to lose weight slowly but effectively.

#1. Apples

Fruits for Weight Loss- Apples

Apple is a fruit which has high fibre and low calories which tops the list of Best Fruits for Weight Loss. This fruit helps you in weight loss.

According to research, apples are rich in nutrients like polyphenols, carotenoids etc. And these compounds are anti-obesity. They control appetite by reducing hunger.

Their main function is to prevent fat accumulation in the intestines of obese people, which ultimately leads to weight loss. Apart from this, by eating apples along with their peel, you get antioxidants and other beneficial compounds which help in your weight loss by reducing the risk of obesity.

By consuming these for breakfast and lunch, you will be able to reduce your weight effectively. Apart from this, it improves cholesterol levels and has anti-inflammatory properties.

#2. Berries

Fruits for Weight Loss- Berries

Very low calories are found in berries.  Which is an excellent factor for weight loss. Along with this, it contains nutrients like fibre, vitamin C and manganese, vitamin K is also present in it, which increases its importance.

According to research, a tendency to eat less food was seen in those who consumed berries, which is effective in reducing the weight of a person. In the list of Best Fruits for Weight Loss Berries are extremely important.

Apart from this, its regular consumption helps in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation.

By including it in breakfast, you can get the best results in your weight loss. This low-calorie food item will play a great role in your weight loss.

#3. Oranges

Fruits for Weight Loss- Oranges

Oranges contain abundant amounts of vitamin C. Which is a very special nutrient for our body. It is a great fruit for our immunity. It contains fibre and also potassium, which are excellent nutrients for our weight.

Apart from this, it also contains carotenoids in abundance.  And these carotenoids are great examples of antioxidants. It reduces your weight effectively by reducing your belly fat and along with this it is a very special fruit for eyesight. These come on top in the category of Excellent Fruits for Weight Loss for overall health.

#4. Grapefruit

Fruits for Weight Loss- Grapefruit

Vitamin C and Vitamin A are found in abundance in grapefruits. Many researches show that regular consumption of grapefruits reduces belly fat and along with this, you maintain your overall health by reducing your blood pressure. Besides, it has a high amount of fibre and this fibre helps in reducing your weight by making the rate of digestion of your food easier.  There are many health benefits of eating it whole or drinking it as juice.  It has a low Glycemic index, which helps patients who are suffering from diabetes.

#5. Avocado 

Fruits for Weight Loss- Avocado 

This is a fruit that will help you a lot in your search for the Best Fruits for Weight Loss. It can reduce your hunger cravings and make you feel full.

According to a study, people who consumed avocado regularly had more weight control. It helps in reducing heart disease and cholesterol. Despite the amount of fat and calories found in it, it develops a feeling of satiety in people who consume it regularly and helps in reducing their weight.

#6. Melons

Fruits for Weight Loss- Melons

Melons are low in calories, which is an excellent factor for weight loss. Besides, it contains a high amount of water which increases your feeling of satiety.

Apart from this, they are rich in fibre, potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants, which play an excellent role in reducing weight effectively. It can be taken whole during breakfast or lunch, by adding it to juice or smoothie. This fruit, which is low in calories, high in water and rich in nutrients, is a unique example of the Best Fruits for Weight Loss. By including it in your diet you can reduce your weight.

#7. Kiwi Fruit

Fruits for Weight Loss- Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit contains very abundant nutrients which include – Vitamin C, fibre, Vitamin K folate etc.  Along with this, it contains a low amount of calories, which plays a better role in weight loss. It can help you control blood sugar, and it can also reduce cholesterol levels. Apart from this, this kiwi fruit can help in reducing belly fat and can also help in maintaining stomach health.

It can be eaten whole in the form of salad or chopped. These nutrient-rich fruits play an important role in the category of Best Fruits for Weight Loss. The high fibre and low calories present in them can reduce your weight effectively.

#8. Papaya

Fruits for Weight Loss- Papaya

It has been found in many studies that papaya is the most helpful fruit on the list of best fruits for weight loss. It plays an excellent role in obesity management and weight loss. Nutrients like fibre, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and potassium are found in it, which plays an excellent role in weight loss.

An enzyme called papain is found in it which promotes metabolism and prevents fat from accumulating in the body, which ultimately helps in reducing weight. The antioxidants, vitamin C and flavonoids present in it help in weight loss, relieve constipation, and reduce inflammation.

#9. Bananas 

Fruits for Weight Loss- Bananas 

The high-quality nutrients and low calories present in bananas make it included in the list of Best Fruits for Weight Loss.

It contains low amounts of calories, which is an excellent factor for weight loss. Apart from this, potassium, magnesium, manganese, fibre, vitamin B6 antioxidants etc. are found in bananas.

Because of their nutrients, you can control your weight. Most people avoid its consumption but it is true that it is an effective fruit in weight loss.

#. Note 

The above-given list of fruits are the best fruits from the point of view of best fruits for weight loss. Which are rich in unique weight-loss nutrients. And can reduce your weight effectively. However, if you are struggling with any health-related problems then consume fruits as per the advice of your doctor so that you can reduce your weight while taking better care of your health.

Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss

Before moving forward towards weight loss, you should keep in mind which fruits you are including in your diet and which ones you are avoiding. By doing this you will be able to reduce weight effectively.  You can reduce your weight by avoiding the following fruits. 

Fruits to avoid include-

#1. Mangoes- They contain an excessive amount of sugar, which helps in increasing weight.

#2.Dates- Apart from being high in calories, they are extremely sweet which is not helpful in weight loss.

#3.Prunes- It is rich in many healthy nutrients but the high calories present in them take them out of the list of Best Fruits for Weight Loss.


Fruits play an important role in maintaining the health of the body. These are very beneficial for your body. The best fruits for weight loss have been discussed above in this article, with the help of which you can reduce your weight effectively. In the list of  Fruits for Weight Loss given above, you can control your overall health. 

Fruits with high-fibre and low-calorie content have been included in the above list.  You can include plenty of fruits in your diet for breakfast which is better for your health.  Along with this, you can reduce your weight by making changes in your lifestyle through the consumption of fruits and regular exercise, meditation etc.

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Ryan Holmes

Ryan is a medical specialist and a full-time blogger. He writes about health and fitness product reviews of top vitamins and supplements to find what you need to meet your health goals.

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